Clarification following a report by CBC News
On March 12, we released our financial results for the first quarter of 2015, and made our 2015-2017 strategic plan public. A report by CBC News (web site, business) requires clarification.
Transat (not Air Transat) announced a $100-million plan to reduce costs (by $77 million) and improve margins by generating new revenues (by $23 million). A significant portion of Transat's $100-million program is not related to air costs.
The story infers that we will add 30 seats on all the Airbus A330s we operate. As we explained, and most media explicitly reported, only three Airbus A330 will get 30 more seats, out of the 12 we operate, and this initiative represents a fraction of the overall Transat plan.
All relevant details were made public and posted on our web site yesterday.
Michel Lemay's name is misspelled in the report.